II. Details of Newly or revised appointed faculty: course-wise & year-wise along with details: | |||||||||||||||
Details of Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff | |||||||||||||||
Sl. No. | Name of Staff | Father's Name | Address | Category (Gen/SC/ST/OBC/Others) | Contact No./ Mobile No. | Qualification | Percentage | Experience | Date of Joining | Date of Resign | Reasons of Resignation of the staff | Bank A/c No. | Details of salary | Appointment against whom | Remarks if any |
1 | David Lalchhuanawma | Vanlalchhunga | Bazar Veng, Serchhip | ST | 9612228219 | MA (M.Ed) | 55% | 1 | 18.09.2017 | 20353319786 | 15600-39100+5400 | ||||
2 | M.C. Rohlupuia | M.C. Duhthanga | Hmar Veng, Serchhip | ST | 9612586141 | MSc (B.Ed) | 70% | 1 | 18.09.2017 | 20213991670 | 15600-39100+5400 | ||||
3 | Lalawmpuia | H. Lalchhinga | AOC Veng, Serchhip | ST | 9862324035 | MSc (B.Ed) | 69.44% | 1 | 18.09.2017 | 30900534662 | 15600-39100+5400 | ||||
4 | R. Vanlalawmpuia | R. Lalhmangaiha | Chanmari Veng, Serchhip | ST | 9862383518 | MSc (B.Ed) | 69.78% | 1 | 18.09.2017 | 20096001560 | 15600-39100+5400 | ||||
Page Links: https://dietserchhip.mizoram.gov.in/page/details-of-newly-appointp